Pura Vida ➝ Pure Life
"the pura vida lifestyle is embodied by the enjoyment of a life lived slowly, the celebration of good fortune, and the refusal to take anything for granted. it's about being free and living life to the fullest; it's an attitude."
Stylenanda top | Free People pants | Pura Vida bracelets | Jeffrey Campbell shoes
Growing up in the 90s I vaguely remember my sister wearing little tank tops and flared pants almost every day. With the trend of the 70s and 90s making a comeback, it just proves that fashion happens in cycles. I've always been fond of tight tank tops just because I love the way they compliment a woman's figure and curves. As for the flared pants that I'm wearing, I actually spontaneously found them while looking through my mom's closet. Your mum's closet is probably hiding a bunch of hidden treasures of outfits (if you look hard enough)!
The bracelets I'm wearing in this photo set was given to me by Pura Vida Bracelets. I absolutely love everything about this brand and what they are all about. Each bracelet is unique in its own way and are 100% handmade in a small village in Costa Rica.
Pura Vida Bracelets creates opportunities and jobs for those in that small Costa Rican village. Besides that, Pura Vida Bracelets also formed the Charity Collection in which they are able to give back to charities all over the world through the sale of individual charity bracelets. To learn more about their cause and brand, click here.