June, June, June, oh it's finally June. Summer vacation has begun, which means it's time to leave the studies behind and venture out to make new memories! Whether you're heading out on a plane, boat, train, or just your car, pop on this playlist and get your festivities started! This mixture of music is bound to make lounging around the pool side, playing on the sand, or a spontaneous hiking trip much more upbeat and lively ~

It's June. School's out, summer's here. Time for some road trips, plane trips, boat trips, train trips. Time to relax and enjoy without a care in the world. So here's a playlist of travel tunes, June.

Happy Summer, Love Bugs!

I'll be stuck studying for Chemistry all summer, but let me know what song is your fave!

For more of my music interests, follow me on soundclound and like my playlist!